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Scottish Premiership may be suspended

Scottish Premiership may be suspended

The Scottish Government has threatened to suspend the Premiership season after Celtic defender Boli Bolingoli-Mbombo violated quarantine rules caused by the coronavirus pandemic.

Bolingoli travelled to Spain before playing against Kilmarnock. The team did not know this before the start of the match.

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“The Scottish Government is aware of a Celtic player who violated the quarantine rules last week. We are currently in talks with the club and league governing bodies to establish the facts. Suppose this is confirmed as another major incident in Scottish football, in which protocols were violated at risk to public health. In that case, the Scottish Government will have no choice but to think about suspending the country’s championship,” Sky Sports quoted the Scottish Government.

The source also reports that Celtic head coach Neil Lennon has expressed dissatisfaction with Bolingoli’s actions. At the moment, coronavirus infections are reported at the club.

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